
Behemoth: Nergal, ‘i no-mask sono alla stregua dei terrapiattisti’

Di Orso Comellini - 19 Ottobre 2020 - 10:14
Behemoth: Nergal, ‘i no-mask sono alla stregua dei terrapiattisti’

Con un nuovo video pubblica su Instagram, Adam “Nergal” Darski ha ironizzato un po’ sui no-mask. Nel video si vede Nergal all’aeroporto di Lisbona, dicendo che lì persino le vacche portano la mascherina… Nella didascalia poi ha scritto:

Convincere i no-mask a indossare la mascherina è come provare ai terrapiattisti che si sbagliano.

Questo il post in questione:



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Convert anti-maskers to wearing masks reminds me of trying to prove the flatearthers the are wrong. My friend @tomasz_organek got sooo much shit from our country mates for publicity promoting the idea of wearing masks. Well… yes, the rules and procedures often make no sense and seem lacking logic, masks must be switched or washed often so it’s not intoxicating for those who wear them… the list goes on. But hey, we ALL agreed to halt at red light even if there’s no traffic right? Why not temporarily obey this law so everyone around us can feel a lil comfort in those highly uncomfortable times? So even if u don’t believe the mask will save u from getting a disease wear it as a sign of AWARENESS. Makes sense?

Un post condiviso da Adam Nergal Darski (@nergal69) in data: