
Paraplegic: i pionieri del Thrash norvegese ripubblicano i primi demo andati perduti

Di Orso Comellini - 19 Dicembre 2022 - 17:05
Paraplegic: i pionieri del Thrash norvegese ripubblicano i primi demo andati perduti

Originari di Bergen, in Norvegia, i Paraplegic, pionieri della scena Thrash locale, ripubblicheranno tutti i demo del periodo a cavallo tra ’80 e ’90, a cominciare da “Pludd” del 1990. Gli album verranno diffusi esclusivamente sulla pagina Bandcamp della band.

Bergen, Norway’s thrash metal pioneers Paraplegic (1989-1998) have opened their vaults and will be releasing music through Bandcamp exclusively.

First up is their demo “Pludd” from 1990. Recorded in Grieghallen Studio, produced by Pytten it preceded a few rather more famous and legendary albums recorded there a short while later.

Guitarist/vocalist Truls Kvernhusvik started the band after leaving Amputation, where he played with Demonaz who went on to form Immortal in 1991.

Mike Exley from Thrash’n’ Burn, reviewed Paraplegic like this at the time of release:

“It often takes time to grow into a new band, but this tape from Norway’s Paraplegic prefers to be one of the more in-your-face types of demos, presenting a strong Vio-Lence/Deathrow style of riffing with good production”.

Check out for a trip down old-school metal memory lane.

For fans of Sepultura, Vio-Lence, Kreator, Forbidden…