Ristampa in CD per i White Spirit
La Sanctuary Records è in procinto di ristampare per la prima volta in CD l’unico album dei White Spirit, band appartenente al filone NWOBHM in cui ha militato Janick Gers (Iron Maiden). Il platter sarà rimasterizzato e accompagnato da un secondo CD contente inediti e rarità; ecco la track-list annunciata:
CD 1:
01 Midnight Chaser
02 Red Skies
03 High Upon High
04 Way Of The Kings
05 No Reprieve
06 Don’t Be Fooled
07 Fool For The Gods
Bonus tracks:
08 Watch Out
09 Backs To The Grind (single)
10 Cheetah (single)
11 High Upon High (alternative version)
12 Midnight Chaser (alternative version)
13 Suffragettes (‘Midnight Chaser’ b-side)
14 Arthur Guitar (‘High Upon High’ b-side)
15 Red Skies (alternative version – Muthas Pride EP)
CD 2 (demo tracks):
01 No Reprieve
02 Cheetah
03 Backs To The Grind
04 Nowhere To Run
05 Can’t Take It
06 High Upon High
07 Red Skies
08 Midnight Chaser
09 Suffragettes
10 Watch Out