Slayer: due concerti interi da scaricare
Sul sito potrete scaricare in formato mp3 ed in ottima qualità due show interi dei thrashers americani Slayer. Queste le date dei concerti e le relative scalette:
Edimburgo – Scozia, 19 settembre 1988
South of Heaven, Raining Blood, Silent Scream, At Dawn They Sleep, Read Between The Lies, Fight Till Death, Mandatory Suicide, Kill Again, Behind the Crooked Cross, Postmortem, Reborn, Die By the Sword, Altar of Sacrifice, Jesus Saves, Chemical Warfare, Ghosts of War, Live Undead, Angel of Death.
Hulsfred Festival – Svezia, 11 Agosto 1995
Raining Blood, Killing Fields, War Ensemble, Captor of Sin, Divine Intervention, Dittohead, Die by The Sword, South of Heaven, Sex Murder Art, War (the exploited cover), Disorder (the exploited cover), Dead Skin Mask, Seasons in the Abyss, Circle of Beliefs, Chemical Warfare, Hell Awaits, Mandatory Suicide, Angel of Death
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