Fozzy: in arrivo ‘Remains Alive & Chasing The Grail’

Di Lucia Cal - 29 Giugno 2011 - 23:05
Fozzy: in arrivo ‘Remains Alive & Chasing The Grail’

Uscirà il 1 luglio la nuova raccolta dei Fozzy, band capitanata da Chris Jericho e Rich “The Duke” Ward (STUCK MOJO), intitolata ‘Remains Alive & Chasing The Grail’ per Edel Records. Di seguito i dettagli dell’uscita

Disco 1
‘Under Blackened Skies’
‘Martyr No More’
‘Broken Soul’
‘Let The Madness Begin’
‘Pray For Blood’
‘New Day’s Dawn’
‘God Pounds His Nails’
‘Watch Me Shine’
‘Paraskavedekatriaphobia (Friday The 13th)’

Disco 2
‘Nameless Faceless’
‘Don’t You Wish You Were Me’
‘Daze Of The Week’
‘Crucify Yourself’
‘End Of Days’
‘Freewheel Burning’
‘Eat The Rich’
‘Feel The Burn’
‘With The Fire’
‘To Kill A Stranger’