Il comunicato di Oleg Smirnoff (Vision Divine)
Con un comunicato sul sito ufficiale dei Vision Divine, Oleg Smirnoff spiega i motivi del suo abbandono che risale al primo ottobre dopo la data di Tokyo. Oleg tiene a precisare che non ha mai avuto nessun problema con i membri della band e che ha bisogno di stare per un po’ di tempo lontano dalla musica per motivi, come già detto, totalmente personali e privati. Il tastierista chiude ringraziando fans e band e annuncia che il suo successore è già stato trovato.
Questo l’intero comunicato:
It seems like it’s time to get in and give my personal opinion.
I have left Vision Divine on the first days of October. After the Tokyo show I took the chance, having all the band members gathered around a table, to announce my departure and discuss the thing. Actually, Olaf, Tower and Mike already knew I was about to leave the band. Expecially Olaf, whom I consider one of my best friends and a great person, has been a witness and a helpful voice since I first started thinking to give up, many months ago.
The reason I leave Vision Divine is not due to trouble or incomprehension with anybody, it’s a personal thing. I have also left my other bands, I’ll stay away from music for a while.
Simply I decided, when I started to try to make a job out of playing keyboards, that at the age of thirty I would have re-discussed the thing.
The last year has been one of the toughest of my life. Nothing tragic, normal problems that can occur to everybody who has come over thirty.
I have found myself in the need of doing something for my private life, and the time to do it is NOW. Not tomorrow, not after the next tour.
That’s the reason why I won’t be on stage during the next VD shows, nor in a next future. The guys have found another keyboard player and I am giving them all the possible help to make this change of line-up as plain and painless as possible.
Of course I am still in contact with everyone in the band, they’re my friends, and I will never forget how good they are and all the good time we’ve spent together.
Of course I am sad, yet I know I have done the right thing. Because as long as I have been a member of VD I have given 100% of what I could give, and if something keeps me from giving 100% I prefer to give up.
I would like to thank all of You VD fans and people of the VD forum, for all the love and support that I have perceived and received during these wonderful three years. You are in my heart.
In particular, I would like to heartfully thank everybody who gave me encouragement writing in the topic “To Oleg” that came out on the VD forum some time ago. I will not forget.
Stay Beautiful.