Lutto in casa Rough Silk

Di - 29 Maggio 2006 - 0:21
Lutto in casa Rough Silk

Hilmer Staacke, ex-chitarrista dei Rough Silk, è morto nei giorni scorsi per non precisate complicazioni in seguito a un attacco d’asma. A darne l’annuncio Ferdy Doernberg, voce del gruppo, che ha scritto un comunicato sul sito ufficiale:

Unfortunately I have some very sad news. Hilmer Staacke, the original guitar player of Rough Silk died yesterday. He had asthma from birth and unfortunately didn’t survive the last episode. I don’t know any details yet. Ralf [Schwertner, ex-bassista]  just called me and informed me about Hilmer’s death.

I’m in L.A. at the moment and ironically playing four shows with Hilmer’s favorite guitar player, Warren DeMartini from Ratt. I’m shocked at the moment and really don’t know what to write. Hilmer, Ralf and I went to school together and founded Rough Silk. Hilmer leaves his wife and his four-year-old daughter behind.

I’ll be back in Germany on Monday and write some more news then.