Nuovi brani in streaming da Century Media
Cliccando qui è possibile ascoltare in streaming alcuni brani tratti dalle prossime uscite per Century Media Records. Ecco i nuovi pezzi che potete trovare:
INTO ETERNITY – Spiralling into Depression
Taken from the new album: “Buried in Oblivion” (release date: 23.02.2004)
Taken from the new album: “Mabool” (release date: 23.02.2004)
GOD FORBID – Better Days
Taken from the new album “Gone Forever” (release date: 23.02.2004)
NARCISSUS – Pride / Politics
Taken from the new album “Crave and Collapse” (release date: 23.02.2004)
ENTWINE – Bitter Sweet
Taken from the new album “diEversity” (release date: 15.03.2004)
FINNTROLL – Trollhammaren
Taken from the MCD “Trollhammaren” (release date: 15.03.2004)
ENFORSAKEN – Tales of Bitterness
Taken from the new album “The Forever Endeavor” (release date: 22.03.2004)
EYES OF FIRE – Hopeless
Taken from the new album “Ashes To Embers” (release date: 22.03.2004)
FLOWING TEARS – Razorbliss
Taken from the new album “Razorbliss” (release date: 22.03.2004)
Taken from the new album “New World Messiah” (release date: 22.03.2004)