
Sometime In February: annunciano il nuovo LP “Where Mountains Hide”, guarda il video del primo singolo “Palantir”

Di Daniele D'Adamo - 19 Gennaio 2025 - 15:00
Sometime In February: annunciano il nuovo LP “Where Mountains Hide”, guarda il video del primo singolo “Palantir”

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SOMETIME IN FEBRUARY, band statunitense di progressive metal strumentale, sono lieti di annunciare che il loro nuovo album “Where Mountains Hide” sarà pubblicato il 21 marzo 2024 su Inside Out Music/Sony Music. Proveniente da Charlotte, North Carolina, questo trio di chitarristi presenta composizioni tanto sofisticate quanto accessibili che rivelano una maturità che va oltre il breve periodo trascorso insieme come band.

Per celebrare l’annuncio, la band presenta oggi il proprio ultimo singolo “Palantir”, accompagnato da un nuovissimo video:

Il commento della band in merito al nuovo album e al nuovo singolo:
“Siamo così entusiasti di annunciare il nostro secondo disco e il nostro debutto con InsideOutMusic, ‘Where Mountains Hide’. È stato un lavoro lungo, il nostro più grande risultato e la nostra opera più audace. Una volta firmato con l’etichetta, sapevamo di dover fare un salto di qualità per stare al passo con i nomi leggendari del loro roster.
Insieme a questo annuncio arriva anche il nostro singolo principale, ‘Palantir’. È stato il primo brano scritto per il nostro nuovo album e definisce il tono del disco nel suo complesso. Riteniamo che sia il suono definitivo dei Sometime in February nel nostro stato attuale, e non vediamo l’ora che tutti possano ascoltare questo singolo e il resto dell’album, e che tutti possano venire a vederci dal vivo molto presto”.

“Where Mountains Hide” è disponible nei formati Limited CD DigipakLimited Edition Coloured Vinyl (entrambi contenenti una bonus track) e in digitale.

SOMETIME IN FEBRUARY – “Where Mountains Hide”

Mourning Bird
The Bad Fight
Outside In
What Was Heard
What Was Said
Phantom Sea
Bury You
Homeworld I: Green Mountain
Homeworld II: Dislodged
Funeral House
There Is Nothing Here But Technology (Bonus Track)

In 2023, the band introduced themselves with their first single under InsideOut, titled ‘Hiding Place’, which showcased their melodic approach. Now, with a full album of new material, Sometime in February presents 11 captivating tracks, from the fusion-metal opener ‘Palantir’ to the progressive complexity of ‘Outside In’ to the blues-infused, prog-metal closer ‘Funeral House.’

Originally founded as an instrumental solo project for guitarist Tristan Auman in 2020, Sometime in February became a fully rounded prog rock trio with the addition of drummer Scott Barber and bassist Morgan Johnson after making the jump from studio to stage following the release of their EP ‘Here Goes’ in 2021. The Carolina-based group has kept their foot on the gas ever since, touring throughout the Southeast US and releasing their follow-up, the debut LP ‘There Goes’, in 2023.

The trio’s connections extend into the progressive music world, featuring collaborations with Between the Buried and Me members Paul Waggoner and Dan Briggs. Tristan had been working for Waggoner in a local coffee shop. After getting to know Tristan, he went to see the band and was impressed by their live performance. He later invited Auman to fill in alongside Paul on BTBAM gigs. In return, Waggoner contributed to the track ‘The Bad Fight’ and appeared in the music video. “I had a part open for him on the song,” Auman recalls. “He sent over some ideas, and they were perfect, as expected.”

Briggs added a unique touch, playing textural elements and additional instruments like mandolin, rather than bass. The BTBAM connection also extended to the album’s mixing, handled by engineer Jamie King, who previously worked with Scott’s former band, Trees on Mars. “Tristan knew right away he wanted to work with Jamie, and I was all for it,” Scott says. “Jamie was great in the studio with a positive vibe the whole time.”

To enhance the album’s sound design, the band brought in Eric Guenther, keyboardist for The Contortionist. “We discussed sound design, and The Contortionist was at the top of our list,” Morgan explains. “Eric was our first choice, and he was on board right away. He had seen Tristan on the BTBAM tour, and he elevated the entire project with his contributions.”

For Tristan, ‘Where Mountains Hide’ represents a step forward, with an uplifting and optimistic feel. “For this album, I wanted the songs to stand alone more, instead of making everything flow together like typical prog albums. But in the end, it naturally felt cohesive. The album has a grand and fantastical vibe, and with instrumental music, it can be challenging to create a specific atmosphere, but that’s what I aimed for.”