Trouble: in studio di registrazione per il successore di “The Distortion Field”

Il chitarrista fondatore dei Trouble, Rick Wartell, ha annunciato l’ingresso in studio di registrazione per il successore di “The Distortion Field“, datato 2013. Siglato un contratto con Hammerheart Records, la storica band statunitense doveva entrare in studio nel 2020, salvo poi decidere di tornare sui propri passi a causa della pandemia.
Last week Trouble founding member Rick Wartell announced that Trouble has begun recording a new album, yes finally! The last album “The Distortion Field” dates back to 2013. When Trouble announced their co-operation with Hammerheart Records in January 2020 it was already planned to record a new album in the Summer of 2020. We all know that did not happen, because the World was a different place in 2020 (and in 2021 as well). But recording has finally started in July 2022.
Hammerheart Records expects a release in 2023. When asking Rick Wartell what to expect he said it will be a real Trouble album, with all the trademarks. Trouble is: Kyle Thomas (vocals), Rob Hultz (bass), Mark Lira (drums) and as always on guitars: Bruce Franklin and Rick Wartell!