Sarcator: disponibile il nuovo album “Swarming Angels & Flies”

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Il 2025 non potrebbe iniziare meglio per i fan del blackened thrash metal: I SARCATOR, giovane band svedese in ascesa, pubblicano oggi il loro terzo album “Swarming Angels & Flies”, tramite Century Media Records. Dopo l’annuncio della firma con l’etichetta, avvenuto lo scorso luglio, la giovane band ha pubblicato tre singoli di grande impatto, potenti e crudi, che hanno mantenuto alta l’attesa per questo disco. Ora, “Swarming Angels & Flies” è disponibile nella sua versione integrale. In otto tracce violentissime la band ha saputo fondere abilmente la vena più estrema dell’album di debutto con la musicalità ispirata del loro secondo lavoro “Alkahest”, suonando tutto con più intensità che mai. Deliziosamente melodico e spietatamente brutale, “Swarming Angels & Flies” è il disco più potente che gli svedesi abbiano realizzato fino ad oggi.
L’album è disponibile a questo link:
Il commento del cantante e chitarrista Mateo Tervonen:
“Se qualcuno si è mai chiesto come la nostra intensità nel suonare dal vivo sarebbe stata catturata su un disco, gli consiglio di ascoltare questo album. Non c’è dubbio che sia la nostra creazione più intensa, brutale e cruda, quindi chi ama questi elementi del nostro sound non rimarrà deluso! Abbiamo lavorato molto sulla dinamica, quindi siamo sicuri che questo album avrà qualcosa per tutti. Non è un vero e proprio album di genere e ci piace pensarlo tale”.
SARCATOR – “Swarming Angels & Flies”: https://sarcator.lnk.
Burning Choir
Comet of End Times
Swarming Angels & Flies
The Deep Ends
Where the Void Begins
The Undercurrent
Unto Sepulchres
Dogfight (cover – originally by Anti Cimex)*
The Black Vomit (cover – originally by Sarcófago*
Torture (cover – originally by Sadus)*
*Bonus track on Ltd. CD Jewelcase in O-Card only
“Swarming Angels & Flies” è disponibile nei seguenti formati:
CD Jewelcase (in O-Card) w/ 11 tracks
Ltd. Purple LP (300x copies!) w/ 8 tracks & 2-page LP insert
Black LP w/ 8 tracks & 2-page LP insert
CD Jewelcase (US Version) w/ 8 tracks
With the tracks “Swarming Angels & Flies”, “Comet of End Times” and “Where the Void Begins” released prior to the album launch, focus track “The Deep Ends” holds a special place on this record, showcasing Sarcator’s skill in terms of songwriting with the track sounding both raw and yet defined by each second while combining both worlds of rock and extreme metal.
The band shares about “The Deep Ends”:
“‘The Deep Ends’ stands as a strong representative of the traditional rock essence of our sound that we incorporated with our previous album (Alkahest 2022). It’s all about the groove and rhythm in this one, hand in hand with epic-driven arrangements. Everything with our own blackened edge to it that has been the common ground for every SARCATOR song so far. With this one we wanted to push everything forward in combining traditional rock music with extreme metal vocals and expression and of course trying to make it sound organically together.”
At a juvenile age of 14-20, Sarcator released their first demo tape, “Visions of Purgatory”, via the American label Redefining Darkness Records in 2019. Just two years later the quadrumvirate got nominated for best rock/metal album for the Swedish music award P3 Guld with their 2020’s self-titled debut release for the same label. After releasing their 2nd album, “Alkahest”, via Black Lion Records in 2022, Sarcator finally got a proper chance to play live, captivating crowds with their intense, blackened live shows. With their current line-up fully committed to the band despite their young age (all members are between 19 and 25) it was time for them to record their 3rd album, which still features previous guitarist Emil Eriksson. Shortly after signing a new worldwide deal with Century Media Records and heading out on a debut European tour supporting Hellripper and Cloak, Sarcator will be releasing “Swarming Angels & Flies” on January 17th, 2025. With plenty of live activity in support of the upcoming album, Sarcator are already at the forefront of an emergent, highly determined new generation of Scandinavian extreme metal bands and ready to take the rest of the world by storm soon too…
SARCATOR – Line-Up 2024:
Felix Lindkvist – Bass
Mateo Tervonen – Vocals, Guitar
Leo Buchalle – Guitar
Jesper Rosén – Drums
SARCATOR Discography:
Sarcator – Album (2020)
Alkahest – Album (2022)
SARCATOR online: