Sound Riot Records contro i Gaia Epicus

Di - 23 Marzo 2006 - 9:33
Sound Riot Records contro i Gaia Epicus

L’etichetta Sound Riot Records ha diramato un comunicato stampa in cui mette in chiaro la sua presa di posizione contro i power metallers norvegesi Gaia Epicus. La band, settimana scorsa, ha infatti pubblicato sul proprio sito ufficiale accuse mirate contro la label, che potete leggere cliccando qui. Di seguito, invece, trovate la risposta della Sound Riot Records:“What SOUND RIOT RECORDS have to tell about the fake declaration done by “problem band” named Gaia Epicus:
In reply to defamation posted by Norwegian Power Metal band named Gaia Epicus through the internet in the last week, Sound Riot feel the need to show the facts as they are really.
First of all, that isn’t the first time they spread “bad words” about Sound Riot, but we have been tolerant with their offenses there are almost 2 years, until now! When the technical problem on the songs-order of their second album happened because a mistake on the Master in April 2005, they wrote immediately to many other record labels, our distributors and magazines saying that we were forbidden to sale this release because they had already the rights to offer this album to a new label. However, they taken this action before any agreement done between us and them and, of course, we had still a valid contract with the band and the Masters in our hands. Besides that, Sound Riot had financed the production of the album in all. In that time, we firstly mentioned they that we would be destroying the wrong version of the CD and a new pressing with the correct track-list would be done as they wish for. No lawyers involved, just after 1 month when they got in touch with a legal advisor in a music organization in the Norway so, they finally understood the situation and a final agreement was signed and, we released the CD in July 2005. We have tried to be professional with them and of course, we have been reasonable and smooth because that haven’t been easy to work with the band and we wouldn’t like to get more problems or conflicts with them in the future. The band isn´t signed to our label anymore but we don’t see the point why they always want to keep a battle with us, if we have done a new agreement with all their demands and everything has been done as stated on it and paid them all the royalties in time actually.
As they always keep saying (or better, doing marketing!) about the super production of their album, we would like to say Sound Riot have financed the production of the 2nd album completely, it was recording, mixing, artwork and mastering (6,000 Euros) + pressing of 1000 pieces of the CD (1,500 Euros) + 1000 Promos (390 Euros) + promotion & advertisements (2,000 Euros). We can to prove everything as we have the invoices and receipts. This is almost 10,000 Euros as budget invested to the release of this band. We think that isn’t considered few for anyone. Now, if all the Japanese companies didn’t get interested to license this album in Asia as well as the CD doesn’t sell well in other places, is our guilt if the most of the people and the press haven’t enjoyed the music featured on this album? Is our guilt if the CD has sold around only 300 copies in 6 months? Anyway, without our label have got back some money of the budget through the low sales of the CD, we sent 140 copies of the CD as bonus to band and we have paid the royalties of the 325 sold copies after 6 months of the release. Thomas Hansen (the man that has never told a lie!) mentioned on their declaration that we haven’t still paid them the royalties of their 2nd album until now. But we have already made the payment to their bank account there is 1 month ago! You can see the bank receipt on this location: (
Last but not less, we will give the rights with the Master & Artwork of this album totally for free to band in 2009! In conclusion, we have paid 1 month in a famous studio as Top Room for they record and mix the songs of their 2nd album, the artwork for the CD front-cover was an idea only of the band and they have done the booklet design for themselves as they wished for and principally, if the band hasn’t paid 1 cent on the production of this album but they have got CDs of this album as bonus, payment of royalties (1 Euro per each copy) for the sold copies and plus, worldwide promotion. Then, why all this dissatisfaction and hate against our work??? If Sound Riot is the worst label and that isn’t a good support to an underground band so, we are living in the wrong planet! This is a nice manner that they found to say us “THANK YOU!” after of all our support, dedication and effort to their band, wonderful attitude!
About these other “problems & mistakes” which they have added concerning some other bands, are facts happened there are 2 or 3 years ago, however, they show all these old problems like if we haven’t still solved they until today. They have used old messages of one band or other to show a problem which don’t exist anymore. If these “were” current problems, then, why aren’t there the dates mentioned of these messages? And of course, they didn’t also mention that we have solved the situation with these other bands in the past and also, what we have done of positive to Gaia Epicus or for these other bands. We got some problems, what is a natural situation in the life of any person or company, but it was because we had a serious financial problem at the label around 2003/2004. Now, if one band or other got unhappy because we kicked out them of our label, we took this decision only because their album got low sales as well. On our agreements, this is stated that we have the rights to finish the contract and if a band has signed it so, they should to remember that they accepted our terms in all. This is only a question to be humble and accept your own fault, tries making a better work in the next time, be creative and writes good songs so; an album can get good sales really if the people enjoy the music on it! Don’t blame only the label because that! However, we have kept the work with the bands that have potential.
Maybe Thomas Hansen has inspirations to write movies and their first one will be “The sum of all mistakes of my ex-record label”. Thomas, be sure to add more one mistake to “our” list: “When we got the unhappy idea to have signed with Gaia Epicus”. Man, make a favor to yourself, stop of boring the people with these stories about your band and forget us please! Only wait for the upcoming sales-statements and future payments that we will do to you every 6 months. Thomas, our relationship of work already has over there is almost 1 year!!! Look for some useful thing to do in the life; we haven’t time to lose with you anymore.”