Tytus: quattro le date italiane del “Gates Of Destruction Tour 2022”

I nostrani Tytus hanno annunciato le date del tour europeo del “Gates Of Destruction Tour 2022”. A farla da padrone, ovviamente, le tappe sul suolo italico. Ben quattro. Di seguito tutta la lista.
Some great springtime heavy action from your neighborhood-friendly metal act TYTUS!
Let the “Gates of Destruction” open at:
20.05 CSO DJANGO – Treviso (Italy)
https://fb.me/e/1X7moWPcA21.05 ALIVE! METAL FEST – Prosecco TS (Italy)
https://fb.me/e/1KiY51jjW26.05 METALHEADZ OPEN AIR – Oberndorf am Lech (Germany)
https://fb.me/e/2qYO0FEVY28.05 MKNZ – Ilirska Bistrica (Slovenia)
https://fb.me/e/34hZYwmrO08.06 BLAH BLAH – Torino (Italy)
https://fb.me/e/4QnR5A7Hi09.06 DEEP INSIDE – Dijon (France)
https://fb.me/e/1hD35P4n510.06 IRON FEST OPEN AIR – Schonenberg Kubelberg (Germany)
https://fb.me/e/igCgAZ6Me15.07 MOTORBUNCH – Prepotto TS (Italy)
https://fb.me/e/1wGsG1jzs28.08 FESTABIKERS – Cologno Al Serio – BG (Italy)